Developer’s Guide

Welcome to PyGBe’s developer’s guide! This is a place to keep track of information that does not belong in a regular userguide.

Contributing to PyGBe

All code must go through the pull request review procedure. If you want to add something to PyGBe, first fork the repository. Make your changes on your fork of the repository and then open a pull request with your changes against the main PyGBe repository.

New features should follow the following rules:

  1. PEP8 style guide should be followed
  2. New features should include unit tests
  3. All functions should have NumPy style doctrings. See here for reference)

Running the tests

Regression tests

Once everything is installed, you can use py.test to run the regression tests, located in pygbe/tests

To run any of the regression tests individually, you can pass the test name to pytest


or to run all of the tests just run py.test within the PyGBe directory


Convergence tests

There is a more robust set of tests located in pygbe/tests/convergence_tests. These include comparisons to analytical solutions or Richardson extrapolated solutions, and checks to ensure convergence over a series of finer meshes.

Note that these tests take a few hours to run. To run them, navigate to the convergence test folder and run


for Poisson Boltzmann related tests, or


for Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance tests.

Any individual set of convergence tests can be run by specifying a given test file, e.g.




Generating documentation

PyGBe uses doctr to automatically generate documentation using Travis CI. If you have made a number of changes to the docs, it is best to first manually check them to make sure everything if working as expected. Otherwise, don’t worry about it. Any changes to the docs will be automatically compiled using Sphinx and then pushed to gh-pages when a PR is merged into master.

Manually generating documentation

Ensure sphinx is installed.

$ pip install sphinx
$ conda install sphinx

Once you have added docstrings to some new functions, first reinstall PyGBe using either

$ python install


$ python develop

In the root of pygbe run

$ sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs/source pygbe

Then enter the docs folder and run make

$ cd docs
$ make html

Ensure that the docs have built correctly and that formatting, etc, is functional by opening the local docs in your browser

firefox _build/html/index.html

If there are any errors in the build (or warnings), then fix them. If there are no errors and the docs look good on your local build, then you’re done! Open a PR with your changes and when it is merged, the changes to the documentation will be automatically built and pushed by Travis to the gh-pages branch.